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Nr Barcode Product Name Measure Rating*
1 7000051280300 5128030@GLASS WINE TWIST 150CC NO.091991@酒杯6PCS PCS 1
2 8693357092044 8693357092044@WINE GLASS TWIST STEMWARE 180CC 6P/PAC NO.44362/092044@44362-6 6.8X8/17.8 PCS 1
3 8693357092075 8693357092075@WINE GLASS TWIST STEMWARE 220CC 6P/PAC NO.44372/092075@44372-6 7X7.5/19 PCS 1
4 8693357092310 8693357092310@WINE GLASS TWIST 55CC 6P/PAC NO.44612/092310/198784@44612-6 PCS 1
5 8693357092334 8693357092334@WINE GLASS TWIST STEMWARE 320CC 6P/PAC NO.44616/092334@44616-6 10.5X6.5X16 PCS 1
6 8693357198784 8693357092310@WINE GLASS TWIST 55CC 6P/PAC NO.44612/092310/198784@44612-6 PCS 1

*Rating - number of users who have chosen this name for the most appropriate for this code

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