BG | EN | RU


Nr Barcode Product Name Measure Rating*
1 6001240100660 ceres(medley of fruit) 1 LITRE 1
2 6001240100660 CERES MEDLEY OF FRUIT 1L 1
3 6001240102664 Ceres Juice Medley of Fruit 1L 12s ITEM 1
4 6001240200667 Ceres Juice Medley of Fruit 200ml ITEM 1
5 6001240204665 Ceres Juice Medley of Fruit 200ml 24s ITEM 1
6 6005044008214 ZING 1L FRUIT MEDLEY ITEM 10
7 6164001665096 F/D FRUIT MEDLEY 1L ITEM 1

*Rating - number of users who have chosen this name for the most appropriate for this code

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